
[Hot place of Korea] Bangju church in Jeju island

You can visit a very unique church in Jeju island which is like a treasure island in Korea. Its name of 'Bangju' came from 'Noah's ark' ('Bangju' is Korean word for that)

As you see, the church looks like a floating ark on the water. So it will give you the very unique feeling in Jeju.

It is designed by Itami Jun who is a renowned architect over Korea and Japan.

You visit Jeju island, don't miss this church. The landscapte over there is pretty cool~
And it's free and open to everyone :-)

Its website is http://www.bangjuchurch.org/

And you can find here in Google map;


How to check email from other gmail account (POP3 setting)

You have a gmail account 'A'
and also have another gmail account 'B'
Your main account is A, so you want to check the mails from B also in A. (how to transfer emails between two gmail accounts)

These are normal steps that Google tells us;

First, change your settings in your other account:

  1. Open the Gmail account you want to import from.
  2. At the top right, click the gear Settings.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.
  5. In the "POP Download" section, select Enable POP for all mail.
  6. In the drop-down menu next to "2. When messages are accessed with POP," choose what to do with messages in this account, such as keep Gmail’s copy in the inbox (recommended).
  7. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

Then, change your settings in your new account:

  1. Open the Gmail account you want to import to.
  2. At the top right, click the gear Settings.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select the Accounts and Import tab.
  5. In the "Check mail from other accounts (using POP3)" section, click Add a POP3 mail account you own.
  6. Enter the full email address of the other account, then click Next Step.
  7. Enter your password. If you use 2-Step Verification, you’ll need to enter a new app password.
  8. Now you have a few options to choose from. Here’s our recommended settings:
    • Leave a copy of retrieved messages on the server - Leave unchecked. This setting is controlled in the POP settings of your other account.
    • Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail - Keep checked.
    • Label incoming messages - Check the box if you’d like to easily see which emails in your inbox came from this account.
    • Archive incoming messages - Leave unchecked. Only check if you don’t want to see new messages from the other account in your inbox.
  9. Click Add Account. If you get an error message while getting set up, click the Show error details link to find out more about what’s not working.
  10. Once your account has been added successfully, you'll be asked if you want to be able to send mail as this address. This lets you compose messages in Gmail, but have them appear to be sent from your other email account.
Gmail will check your other account for new emails periodically. You can see when the other account was last checked from the "Accounts and Import" tab.
If you only want to import old emails, you can stop importing mail after your old messages have been imported. See directions below.
But This is Not it !! 
If you find this article, you may have problems with that. It doesn't work. It just says "Server denied POP3 access for the given username and password"
This is how I did,and it worked.

Main reason might be that you didn't have 2-step verification on your account B.
Try 2-step verification and set up the App password on account B (that you want to check). Then, you put that 'app password' when you set up the pop3 settings on A account. That's it.
You can find these settings on Google 'My Account' 
This problem bugged me for months, and now I made it !!
I hope this help~


LG pay (White card) unveiled > LG pay card looks like this

LG unveiled its mobile payment solution 'LG pay' in Korea.
LG가 자사 모바일 결제 솔루션인 LG 페이를 한국에서 공개했다.

As it is rumored before, LG pay 'White card' is just like an ordinary plastic card, same size, same thickness.
알려진 것처럼 LG페이 화이트카드는 보통 신용카드와 흡사한 모습이다. 신용카드와 사이즈도 같고 두께도 같다.

[단독]LG페이 `화이트카드` 단독 공개

1) Display Window : You can check which card of yours is on now. so, you can select the best card for each occasions

2) Function buttons : You can switch the function by these buttons, such as power, Lock, Selection of the cards

3) Charging jack : You can recharge this white card with its own charging unit

Because it functions like a normal credit card, you can use this LG pay white card everywhere you've been using with your credit card, including ATMs. This will be the biggest benefits different from Apply pay, Google pay or Samsung pay.
일반 신용카드와 같은 기능을 수행하기 때문에 LG페이는 지금까지 사용해오던 모든 가맹점에서 다 사용할 수 있다. ATM까지... 이게 애플페이나 구글페이, 삼성페이 등과 차별되는 가장 큰 잇점일 것이다.

LG is expanding the partnership with other banks and credit card companies. This mobile payment must be the hottest competing point among the IT platformers this year.
LG전자는 현재 은행들과 신용카드 회사들과 LG페이 파트너십을 늘리고 있다. 올 한해 IT 플랫폼 사업을 하는 사업자간 가장 뜨거운 전쟁터가 될 곳이 이 모바일 결제 솔루션임은 틀림없을 것이다.